
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Would You Wear…?
Snakeskin Print
Welcome back to our “Would You Wear…?” column! This column introduces trends that would perhaps challenge the status-quo (as far as wardrobes are concerned). It will usually feature a style that is either unfamiliar to you or requires a bit of daring on your part. If you haven't seen our last "Would You Wear...?" post, then please click on the label below THIS post. Today we’re zeroing in on the PYTHON PRINT/SNAKESKIN.
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Formerly, I would shrink away from the python print because it clearly reminded me of the species I detest the most. Watching a snake slither, pounce, and kill on National Geographic clouded my childhood with hair-raising nightmares.
          Well, in time I learned to forgive the snake—all in the name of fashion of course! No, I’m kidding. I still despise this reptile, but I did grow to marvel its mesmerizing skin patterns.
Calvin Klein Resort 2013 (above) and Erdem Spring 2013 (below)
Since a genuine snakeskin clutch or handbag can be very expensive, I tend to gravitate towards faux-snakeskin or simply a graphic version of it. After purchasing a few snakeskin items, I quickly realized that this print is extremely versatile.
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Here’s How to Incorporate it Into Your Closet:

Monday, January 28, 2013

The St-EYE-lista; Editor’s Edition 

Welcome back to our bi-monthly column: The “St-EYE-lista”! This column features an individual whose personal style captured our EYE and whose fashion sense can be reinterpreted for the modest dresser. From talk-show hosts to socialites and from Creative Directors to bloggers, Wear Your Invisible Crown prides itself on revealing the kaleidoscopic gamut of fashion ingénues and icons. From January until March we will specifically focus on style icons who are (or once were) Editors of prominent fashion publications. We look forward to presenting our audience with an array of style and information regarding our featured “Editors.”

Our second St-EYE-lista (The Editor’s Edition) is Giovanna Battaglia. Giovanna is the editor of L'Uomo Vogue (otherwise known as Vogue Italia) and contributing fashion editor to W magazine. Prior to her editorial role at highly prominent magazines, Giovanna was a model for Dolce and Gabbana. With drive, talent, and a sartorially keen eye she was capable of shifting her professional role and becoming the well-established fashion editor that she is today.
Giovanna’s personal style is influenced by two icons; Monica Vitti and Audrey Hepburn. The former was an Italian movie star and the latter was a British one. Indeed, Giovanna draws inspiration from fashion-conscious Italian culture as well as British classicism by mixing risk-taking accessories with tailored, timeless clothing. The juxtaposing fashion sense of Vitti and Hepburn motivate this magazine editor to create a style that is all her own. READ ON TO SEE MORE!
It’s Not Just Black-and-White, Part 1
Photo Credit: Stockholm-StreetStyle 
What do I like about Giovanna’s P.S.? She offsets the enduring appeal of black-and-white outfits with a touch of eccentricity or rebellion. Her ensembles are undeniably elegant, and by adding a pair of edgy booties, hot slingbacks, or a scarf, she earns a dozen  more “style points.” Easily.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Cure for the

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 Vogue China

 There isn’t another proverbial stone left to be uncovered when it comes to the subject of “Females and the Relationship with their Appearance.” Scores of articles, books, and films have portrayed women and their inner battles with self-esteem and perceived beauty.  
As I’ve mentioned in October’s Book Review (“Beauty Pageants” by Libba Bray—please click on the “BEAUTY” label below to view it), “it’s obvious that I am neither the first nor the last to blather about this subject. In fact, as many of you know, this particular feminine issue has been to driven to the ground, beaten to the pulp, and then boomeranged itself back to earth.”
         Yet, I still choose to mention this, because a month ago, I fell prey to this very bait: that antagonizing voice that persisted I was “unattractive.” That voice…that accursed voice…it trickled through the hills and valleys of my brain and echoed with every quiver of my insecure heart.
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PAUL STAHR (American, 1883-1953). Girl in Red Beret Looking into Compact Mirror, Saturday Evening Post cover
        It began with a couple of innocent photo shots of me. A relative of mine stood there poised and proud with her new Cannon. She excitedly snapped pictures of me flipping my hair a la Pantene commercial, taking a sip of tea, twirling my flared skirt and then losing my balance, blinking at her uncertainly.
        It was a hodgepodge of both purposeful and candid photos.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

18 “Best Friend Dates” You Should Go on NOW.
Before Either One of You Gets Hitched.
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Photo by Georges Hoyningen-Huene, 1930s.

          I spent this past Shabbat celebrating a good friend’s Shabbat Kallah. It was a Shabbat that offered socialization, delicious homemade treats, rounds of Banana Grams, and of course excited “girl talk.”
          Following that Shabbat, I truly looked forward to seeing my friend walk down the aisle, for her eyes to glimmer in the way only a bride’s eyes can, and for me to bust a couple of clumsy dance moves on the floor (my specialty).
          Yet, what resonated with me the most over that weekend was the bittersweet rush of nostalgia. As the girls began to gush enthusiastically over the Kallah’s description of her gown, my thoughts floated lazily to the day I first met my friend.
Photo via Elle Brazil

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Editor’s Edition

Prelude: Welcome back to our bi-monthly column: The “St-EYE-lista”! This column features an individual whose personal style captured our EYE and whose fashion sense can be reinterpreted for the modest dresser. From talk-show hosts to socialites and from Creative Directors to bloggers, Wear Your Invisible Crown prides itself on revealing the kaleidoscopic gamut of fashion ingénues and icons. From January until March we will specifically focus on style icons who are (or once were) Editors of prominent fashion publications. We look forward to presenting our audience with an array of style and information regarding our featured “Editors.” Without further ado, here is our very first "Editor's Edition" post.

        Although the rest of the cyber universe is re-visiting last night’s Golden Globes, I’m fixating on the genuine source of creative fashion: STREET STYLE.

        Red Carpet occasions typically offer a bounty of jaw-dropping gowns, exquisite heels, and Neil Lane jewels. They are indeed eye candy, but they’re barely relevant to my own life. Perhaps one day I’ll marry the religious equivalent of Harvey Weinstein and transform into a film mogul’s wife. I’ll sport a phony tan, have a million followers on Twitter, and playfully swish my Dior gown. But until that day arrives folks, attending Boro Park weddings in TJ MAXX dresses will be the epitome of glamour for me, thank you very much.

        It is in this vein that I would like to introduce January’s first ST-EYE-LISTA; The Editor's Edition: CAROLINE ISSA. As you will soon realize, Caroline’s personal style IS highly relatable. It is eclectic and contemporary, but also extremely refined.
       Who exactly is Caroline Issa? She is a former business woman turned fashion industry maven. She holds a business degree from Wharton and previously worked at a consultancy firm agency in San Francisco. She received her initial introduction to the fashion industry when her agency sent her to consult with the company Tank, a quarterly fashion magazine in London. When she met with Tank she became quickly mesmerized with the company's creative energy. Tank offered Caroline a position at the company and she slowly yet steadily ascended to the high ranks

       Caroline Issa is currently the executive fashion director of Tank, editor-in-chief of Because magazine (a digital fashion start-up) and fashion director of the Tank Form consulting agency. She is also the darling of renowned street-style photographers (such as The Sartorialist, Tommy Ton, and Phil Oh).

       Caroline’s mother is Chinese while her father is half Lebanese and half Iranian. These multi-cultural genes lend her an exotic appearance and a truly striking smile.
Let us meet the superwoman who tackles a myriad of professional responsibilities with enviable poise and style.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

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      As the Editor of a blog that gears towards the 20-something Jewish single girl, I like to post to about various community events that can potentially attract our audience.
      I’m very sorry that I didn’t mention this community event earlier! Oy! It’s happening today (from 2:00 to 6:30) in Manhattan. The price may be higher if you didn’t register in advance (sorry again!) but read the below description anyways. If you’re in the general area of the event and don’t have a specific agenda for the day, it may be well worth a visit.

Congregation Talmud Torah Adereth El
133 E 29th St
NYC, New York 10016
Contact: Iris Roth
Prices: with reservations: $ 36.00
Observance: Modern Orthodox

INNER SELF/OUTER SELF: A unique seminar especially designed for seriously marriage minded Jewish women. Includes a makeover from head to toe to be your best self and increase your potential for marriage. On board will be make up artists, hair stylists, a nutritional therapist, personal trainer, dating coach/matchmaker, image consultant/stylist and ZUMBA (bring sneakers). There will be demonstrations, discussions, personal applications, give-a-ways, prizes & refreshments. Sunday January 13th, Congregation Talmud Torah Adereth El, 133 E 29th St, NYC (between Lexington & 3rd Ave). 2:00 – 6:30pm, registration is at 1:45 p.m. 
Call 973-851-9070 for more information!
This event hopes to transform you from a single, cat-loving Jewish girl into a good Jewish mother doing her requisite Shabbos shopping.
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Lily Donaldson from Harper's Bazaar January 2011 (left) and Lily Donaldson from Vogue Italia March 2007.
       Okay, so even though my inner feminist is kind of reluctant to embrace the whole “let’s make ourselves beautiful so we can appeal even more to men and increase our potential for marriage” vibe of this event, I would still like to attend (gasp!). If I didn’t have an early wedding to frolic to this evening, then I would totally swing by.
      The event seems to offer a healthy dose of socialization and relaxation. I would be interested in meeting other Jewish single girls and perhaps exchanging contact information with a matchmaker? The pampering (makeup tips, hairstyle services, and Zumba lessons) doesn’t sound terrible either. I would try to go with an open mind and just enjoy it sans any ridiculous "Shidduch pressure." What do you think? Would you go to this kind of event?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


 Kate Bosworth in Tom Ford
         Our monthly column COLOR CODING is baaack baby! Click on the “Color Coding” label below this article to see October’s Oxblood and November’s Cobalt (if you haven’t seen them already).
        What’s this month’s color? EMERALD GREEN darlings. I read on that Pantone (the world-renowned authority on color) actually declared emerald green as “color of the year.” Why did they select this hue for 2013?
       Apparently, it’s an appropriate color for an economy that’s slowly recovering: “Green is the color of rejuvenation” says Leatrice Eiseman from the Pantone Institute. “It conjures up gems, dollar bills, and the sparkling Emerald City in The Wizard of Oz.”
      Personally, I believe that emerald green possesses a slight paradox: it’s vivacious yet tranquil. It’s unique enough to catch one’s eye in the proverbial sea of black, but it’s not as shocking as cherry red or neon yellow. The above characteristics have transformed me into an emerald green enthusiast.
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P.S. If you have green eyes, then please, pretty please wear MORE emerald. Angelina Jolie comprehends the bizarrely beautiful effect that emeralds have on green eyes. She wears Versace (left) and Lorraine Schwartz jewels (right).
 Here are several ways to wear the color of the year:

Monday, January 7, 2013

I Don't Like Gossip Girl, but I Love Me Some Blair Waldorf Style

        My friend recently forwarded an article to me about Gossip Girl’s series finale, one of television’s most ritzy, provocative young adult dramas. Interestingly, the article didn’t focus on the actual show, rather on the flawless style of Blair Waldorf, one of Gossip Girl’s central characters.
       To be honest, my knowledge of Gossip Girls is quite narrow. I only watched half of the 1st season in 12th grade (the first time I watched TV in 5 years—yes, I eventually succumbed to this unholy bait). However, I do possess a rather personal memory associated with Gossip Girl. Whenever this show is mentioned, I’m fondly reminded of the days my mother and I would battle over the remote.
       You see, Gossip Girl and my mother’s all-time favorite show (a Korean soap-opera with English subtitles) aired at the exact same time. When my mom won control over the remote, I’d often exclaim“This is so unfair! Why do you like this silly Korean show anyways? Huh?!”
       I’d yet to appreciate how cool my mom was back then – she became hooked on Korean culture long before the days of Gangnam Style. Take that! But, as ever, I digress.
       When I won the “remote war,” I cozily settled in for an evening of scandal and “high-society teenage politics” a la Gossip Girl. Sure the show was famously juicy and entertaining, but it was also rampant with degrading morals and distorted values. I couldn’t get over the sheer irony that I was tuning into this show at 8:00 p.m. only to open up a Sefer Devarim and Rashi a mere twelve hours later. Irony can be rad…but not this kind of irony. I slowly weaned myself off the show.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Beat Final Madness! 
        To college students who are now on winter break and free from the tyrannical clutch of finals and papers – bless your fortunate souls! Yet, for all those students who are studying in a Jewish college (a.k.a they plough on through Christmas and New Years) finals are quickly impending. Gulp.
        I recall how much I despised finals (er…who doesn’t?). My shoulders constantly hunched, my mind reeling, my hair an unkempt nest, Red Bull being my dedicated friend...Every final season was truly a war to be waged. I was obligated to arm myself with the requisite weapons, or else I would suffer the injuries.
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        Okay, maybe I’m being a tad dramatic, but if one doesn’t tackle finals with the necessary strength and tactics, then he or she is inclined to endure one hellish disaster (like I did many times - sigh).
Without further ado here are several excellent tips to survive finals and maybe—just maybe—semi-enjoy them? Who knows? You can totally surprise yourself.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Tel Aviv Fashion Show at Greenhouse, Soho
By Wear Your Invisible Crown's Marketing Director,
Atara Arbesfeld
Note: This article was originally published in Stern College's The Observer at
        On November 15, Israeli fashion crossed the Atlantic and arrived in New York City at the Tel Aviv Fashion Show Benefit for Sharsheret. At Greenhouse, a swanky bar in Soho, I was ready for my first foray into the world of fashion. Feeling pathetically out of place with my Kiki Riki, black cardigan, black pencil skirt and flats under the bright green disco lights, I still had high expectations. I was expecting to witness the cutting edge Israeli style, kosher food, and extraordinary entertainment.